Currently reading

the silent patient

alex michaelides

this book is allllll ovvveerrrr booktok, and I do love me a thriller. Can’t wait to dive in!


Back on the shelf

Mexican Gothic

Silvia moreno-garcia

WOw. This book took me a second, but wow. the premise was interesting and had me slightly hooked in from the start - my only problem was that it took a second for me to figure out what was the underlying cause of her cousins sickness. I didn’t even have any guesses - as every time i thought i figured it out, I would be proven wrong in the next chapter. But once the twist finally came, it blew my mind! The language was so flowery and gothic - which i appreciate because I didn’t think the author would actually write in a gothic style, but it was a little dense for me to keep up with at times. I found myself pushing through the language to get to other plot points so I could actually figure out what was going on. but seriously, 10/10.

The Paris apartment

Lucy Foley

For a $0.99 thrift find, this wasn’t bad! I had some questions about our protagonist - a lot of her actions were not super justifiable - and they ~conveniently~ happened to push the plot along faster. Don’t tell me you’re going into the dark alley because “it’s just what you do”, give me spooky, give me enticing, give me reasons!!!

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Taylor Jenkins Reid

no surprises here, this one was a hit. I finished it in one day. I loved living in the movie star glamour - the highs and lows of it. Also - I came into this one knowing nothing about it - and the fem / fem love story? b o m b s h e l l .

All the Light we Cannot See

Anthony Doerr

Ok, this book was a bit of a slow burn for me. I like to know where things are going, and this took me longer than I wanted to put the pieces together. but, after I finished it, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was heartbreaking and beautiful and it didn’t end the way my romantic heart wanted it to, but what good books ever do?

Happy Place

Emily Henry

My problem with this book, was that I kept comparing it to Book lovers, which is my favorite emily henry. I feel like when I’m reading her books I expect it to get spicy, and this one took a little too long for these characters to communicate and get on the same page. I mean, just talk about your feelings already.